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Agriculture and Agribusiness

The Rental Company – one of the oldest & most established rental finance service providers.
From well-established commercial farmers to rising agri-preneurs, growing and sustaining an agribusiness requires the right machinery and equipment, and financial solutions tailored to the unique needs of a seasonal business.

With the high running costs of agriculture, and the growth in new machinery and technology that improves efficiency and productivity, equipment rental finance offers an affordable, accessible solution to acquiring the equipment needed to start, expand, and grow a profitable, sustainable agribusiness.

Financing the rental of equipment and machinery gives farmers the flexibility to upgrade to new technology as needed, along with the security of fixed payments structured to match their income cycle.

With no deposit required, and the expense spread out over a manageable period, equipment rental preserves working capital and cash flow for other business needs. The value of rented assets and equipment is kept off your balance sheet, with no need to allow for depreciation, while there are significant tax benefits in accelerating deductions and write-downs and reducing the after-tax costs.

The Rental Company’s asset finance specialists, with expert knowledge of the agricultural sector and the unique needs of agribusiness, can offer expert financial advice and source equipment rental finance customised to the specific needs of your farming business and agricultural product.

We specialise in tailor-made solutions and acquisition of specialised equipment that might not meet the requirements of conventional lenders.

In addition to the wide range of conventional farming machinery, equipment, and vehicles, we are also able to source funding for office equipment and automation software, specialised agricultural technology, energy efficiency systems and renewable energy generation.

We understand the farmer’s need to focus on day-to-day challenges, and so our application procedures are hassle-free while we take care of the paperwork for you. Our fast and efficient turnaround on approvals and release of funding is geared to ensure you can get the equipment you need, when you need it.

Agriculture and Agribusiness Enquiry

Trusted by leading organizations

Port Elizabeth

T (0) 41 379 2010
F (0) 41 379 2019
E admin@rental.co.za

17 Montmedy Road, Lorraine Port Elizabeth, 6070


53 Brill Street, Westdene
Bloemfontein, 9301


Building 1, Loft Floor Right, Felstead Road, Fancourt Office Park, Northriding

Cape Town

70 Main Road,
Paarl, 7646