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Office Automation

The Rental Company – one of the oldest & most established rental finance service providers.
The 4th Industrial Revolution, along with trends of mobile and remote working, has brought rapid advances in office automation – enabling more efficient digital information processing and storage, automation of increasingly complex administrative tasks, and intelligent business process management.

From more traditional solutions of networked printers and ICT hardware and software to new smart office technology, online collaborative workspaces, mobile integration and AI-powered customer communication, effective office automation can help to deliver improved productivity and performance, cost savings and greater competitive advantage.

With the right tools to optimise business processes and streamline operations, valuable time can be freed up for more growth-oriented tasks such as new product development and customer relationship-building.

Asset Finance Articles

Why rent?

  • Tailored, flexible asset rental and equipment finance solutions for office automation hardware and software make it possible to achieve the advantages in productivity and competitiveness and maximise saved costs, while preserving your working capital and cash flow for other business needs.
  • Smart financing of smart office automation allows for changes and upgrades to the latest technology as needed, reducing the risk of carrying the burden of obsolete equipment.
  • Payment terms can be structured to suit your business’s needs and cash flow cycles.
  • No deposit and no capital expenditure make rental an ideal solution for start-ups, entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
  • The value of assets and equipment is kept off your balance sheet – no need to allow for depreciation.
  • Equipment rental has significant tax benefits over outright purchase, accelerating deductions, write-downs and after-tax costs of equipment.

Why The Rental Company?

With our roots in office automation financing and more than 26 years’ experience, we know this sector inside-out. Long-standing partnerships with equipment suppliers and in-depth knowledge of market trends and technology developments mean we can advise on the right equipment solution for your business as well as finding the right deal for you.

The Rental Company has the most extensive network of asset financing sources, enabling us to facilitate a bespoke funding arrangement that best suits your business’s unique needs and cash flow cycles.

We understand and consider the soft costs of installation, training and maintenance in obtaining the most appropriate funding solution that will meet your current office automation needs and accommodate future cost implications.

We’re innovative, solution-oriented thinkers. Our business goal is to help you achieve your business goals by finding the most optimal means to acquire the equipment you need to move forward.

The Rental Company’s approach is straightforward, hassle-free, cutting through the red tape to get to a solution that works for you, as fast as possible.

Office Automation Enquiry

Trusted by leading organizations

Port Elizabeth

T (0) 41 379 2010
F (0) 41 379 2019
E admin@rental.co.za

17 Montmedy Road, Lorraine Port Elizabeth, 6070


53 Brill Street, Westdene
Bloemfontein, 9301


Building 1, Loft Floor Right, Felstead Road, Fancourt Office Park, Northriding

Cape Town

70 Main Road,
Paarl, 7646