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The Rental Company – one of the oldest & most established rental finance service providers.
The high costs of specialised mining equipment and machinery do not need to be a barrier to extracting the rewards of this sector so vital to South Africa’s economy.

Equipment rental financing offers a smart solution to acquiring the key assets to keep the mining industry moving and growing, both for established and emerging, start-up companies.

Globally, mining contractors and producers have turned to innovative rental financing solutions rather than outright purchases over the past decade, seeing the benefits of reducing the business risk of high-value acquisitions and maximising the cash flow to fund daily operations.

Equipment rental preserves working capital and keeps existing lines of credit open, while payments are structured for the business cash flow cycle and lend certainty to budgeting.

Why The Rental Company?

Our in-house knowledge and understanding of the mining industry and its machinery and equipment needs, along with long-standing partnerships with leading equipment manufacturers and suppliers, enables us to help you source the best equipment solution for your needs – at the best price.

The Rental Company’s expertise in specialised asset financing needs and extensive network of asset funding service providers allows us to present a range of custom-made rental finance options tailored to your specific needs, budget, and cash flow cycle.

Our networks and expertise extend to surface and underground mining equipment, heavy vehicles, industrial automation, construction equipment and industrial machinery.

We’ll advise on the smartest way to maximise the tax benefits of equipment rental and risk management through appropriate insurance products.

Rental financing is flexibly structured to allow for upgrades to more modern and productive equipment as mining equipment technology evolves, and expansion of plant and equipment to take advantage of new business opportunities.

A key advantage for the cost-intensive mining industry is that equipment rental financing allows the business to acquire a solution for the time period and cost structure of a specific project, rather than being subject to the lifecycle and depreciation of a product owned outright.

Mining Enquiry

Trusted by leading organizations

Port Elizabeth

T (0) 41 379 2010
F (0) 41 379 2019
E admin@rental.co.za

17 Montmedy Road, Lorraine Port Elizabeth, 6070


53 Brill Street, Westdene
Bloemfontein, 9301


Building 1, Loft Floor Right, Felstead Road, Fancourt Office Park, Northriding

Cape Town

70 Main Road,
Paarl, 7646